We rely on our planners to organize our days and our weeks, highlight our tasks, assemble our to-do lists, track our progress and record important details. The more organized our planners are, the more organized we are. But how can we be optimally organized if the tool we use to stay efficient does not suit our individual needs?
That, in one paragraph, is why customizable planners.
Most planners have similar layouts, so you must adapt to your planner. That’s backwards! And that’s why Agendio was created, to create an ever-growing selection of customizable planners.
This blog will focus on all things planner and customizable, as well as some general planner/planning topics. We will look at how we plan and manage our planners and whether there are any more rewarding approaches. I hope it will be informative, entertaining, maybe a little educational. If we are even a little successful, we may shine a light on some new ways of thinking about planners and the planning process.
And if you have questions you would like the blog to address or suggestions for topics, please don’t be shy and send them in.
Finally, to everyone who has purchased an agendio since our launch, a sincere thank you for your trust and your kind comments.