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Did you know that Agendio stocks 17 different sizes of spirals in its inventory?

It’s more than other planner companies carry, but it’s important to us to know that no matter how you customize your agendio, your binding will always fit perfectly.

And if you want us to use a bigger size of spiral because you use stickers or you fill your planner pockets to bursting, you can ask for your spiral to be upsized by up to three sizes.


We’ve received many inquiries from customers about buying more page markers when purchasing an agendio. It seems many of you use them not only in your agendios, but also in books, music sheets, cookbooks, textbooks and all sorts of other places and you need more of them.

So we’ve made a few changes and you can now purchase up to 6 page markers when you purchase your next agendio.


Do you keep many loose sheets of paper in your agendio? Do you glue stickers in your planner?

If so, you may prefer having your agendio bound with a slightly (+1/16”) bigger diameter spiral. It will add a little more space so your pages don’t end up being squeezed in the binding.


Please note that spiral binding upsizing is not available with wrap covers.


Up to now, you’ve been able to customize the line type and line spacing in your divisibles, as well as add checkboxes and shading. This has allowed you to customize in detail spaces to add your lists after you receive your agendio.

But what if you have an unchanging list of things you want to remember each week? For those of you who like that type of list, you can now add them to your divisibles.

Add your labels the same way you would do it in schedules if you change 12:00 to “Lunchtime” – You just click on “Labels” at the top of the divisibles customization panel and then write in each item one by one in the boxes.


You can still customize your divisible pagelets as you did before – This is a new feature on top of all the previous ones. So if you choose checkboxes and you add labels, you’ll get a checkbox on each line before your list item, so you can check it off when done.

And you can add multiple lists. For example, if you divide your divisible in four, you can add individual and separate lists to any or all of the four.


The lists will appear throughout your planner in their selected frequency. So if you add labels on the weekly layout of your monthly-weekly, they will appear each week in that divisible pagelet of your weekly layout for the duration of your agendio.

You will still also have the option of adding the pagelet label, the one you  add now at the top of each pagelet. For example, you can now make a divisible section called “Fitness” and fill each line with your exercises or diet todos.


Note that if you change your line spacing to make it thinner, you’ll get more lines and more spaces for labels. If you make it thicker, you will have fewer lines and fewer spaces for labels.

Have fun playing with it and as always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.



We have updated the Builder so that you can now build multiple agendios at the same time side-by-side and compare!

Previously, if you did this, your browser may have mixed the content in different tabs. However, we have now upgraded our Builder to allow using multiple tabs on any up-to-date browser.

Start customizing your agendio in the Builder, then sign in (which you have to do  once you start moving around in the Builder), then open another tab and select and customize a second agendio. You can go back and forth between them and compare until you decide – The two will remain independent and the data should not become corrupted. Just remember that you need to sign in before you add your second tab.


If you want to compare two versions of the same model, here’s a time-saving tip: Build and customize the first one then open a new tab but leave it empty. Go to your account, find the one you just customized and select Options/Copy. The system will copy your current one, with its customizations, into the Builder new tab. Now you can work on version 2 without having had to build it from scratch. Make sure you click copy, not Edit, because Copy will make a copy whereas with Edit you will work on the same planner in your tabs instead of working on different planners.

Once you decide on your preferred customization, close the other tabs, finish customizing on the remaining tab, add your agendio to your cart and you’re ready to purchase.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.


One of the great Agendio features is the ability to add your personal activities and events to your planner according to your schedule. But you have limited control if you want to show them on one page frequency, such as daily, but not on another, such as monthly. We have been asked if we can do something about this.

We aim to please, so we have now added the option to choose whether your activities, events and holidays will be printed on your monthly, weekly or daily pages. Not only that, we added the option to make that choice for each activity and each event.

We now provide you with checkboxes on each line where you enter your activities and events and you can fill them for each frequency according to your preferences. You can decide that “Clean bathrooms” goes on your daily pages every Saturday while “Backup computer” goes on your monthlies every 15th of the month while “Yoga” goes on both every Tuesday. Or you can show your anniversary date on  your monthly, weekly and daily pages but birthdays only on weeklies.


With all this increased customization, we realized that you would benefit from some additional tools to keep track of what you customized: So we added a sorting feature that allows you to sort by frequency, or to keep similar items together in a manual sort by moving your entries manually up and down with the two headed arrows on the left of each screen.


We  also upgraded our Holidays customization. Holidays work a little differently: You can assign the pages on which they appear, but only for the entire list. We feel this makes sense, because we can’t see a scenario where you would want some holidays on monthly pages and others on weekly pages. So for this option, the checkbox is at the top of your selected list on the right side.


Please note that in order to implement this update, we had to create new master files for each of your activities, events and holidays. So if you’ve created many different lists over the years, you may find that you want to delete some entries before your next purchase.

As always, let us know if you have any suggestions or any questions.




It’s Laura from Ontario. The full cost of her planner has been added back to her account.

THANK YOU to everybody who filled in our review and/or survey. We have read every comment and made notes of what you have shared with us, and over this year we anticipate adding many new features related directly to your comments.

We’ve also decided to try something new: Your answers were so helpful that we’d like to do this again. However, like us, you don’t want to keep filling in surveys, so we came up with the following idea: Once in a while, we’ll send out a 1-question survey (that’s correct, just one) about one of our features, and each time we do that, we’ll give out a prize, such a gift certificate. The way we see it, one question takes nearly no time to answer but gives you a way to share your preferences, and that helps us make better products. In the next few weeks, we’ll try our first one.


In the beginning, we created the customizable weekly and monthly planners. We saw that they were good, so we created the customizable monthly-weekly.


And the customers enjoyed them so much, they asked why not a daily? So we created the customizable daily, from which came monthly-dailies and weekly-dailies.


And the customers rejoiced at these new offerings, so we created Extra pages, which begat WWNN and MMNNWW and all sorts of other configurations, which were then followed by Planning pages.


And the customers were very happy with all the choices they were now offered, but some customers felt something was missing. They pointed out that we offered monthlies, weeklies, dailies and every combination of two frequencies that were possible, but what about the last piece of the puzzle?

We eventually got the hint and now we are happy to announce that agendio has added monthly-weekly-daily planners!

We currently offer two varieties, a monthly spread-weekly spread-daily on six pages (MMWWDDDDDX), and a monthly spread-single weekly page-daily on seven pages (MMWDDDDDDD).



You can see both of them on the configuration page in the Dailies section.



We’ve started to receive mail from customers, asking how to reprint last year’s planner. It occurs to us that many of you may be wondering the same thing, so we thought we’d let everyone know. It’s actually very simple:

1. Go to your account, scroll down to the “Products” section and look for the agendio you wish to reprint;

2. Roll over “Options” and click on “Reprint planner”. This will bring you to the Builder and load your agendio automatically;


3. Review each section of the Builder to be sure that every part of your agendio is customized as you want it. In particular, check that your activities and events are still correct and that the dates are still valid.

4. Once you’re sure that all is good, add to cart and checkout.

Please remember that we are entering the peak time of the year for planners, so there is more risk of delays in manufacture or delivery. Consider reordering now, to be sure you have yours in hand when you want it.

Parlez-vous agendio?

You can now customize your Agendio planner in different languages.

You have always been able to customize your labels in any language, but now you can also select to show your months and days in Spanish or French. All it takes is one change on the first (info) screen of the Builder.


You can also show selected holidays in other languages. It’s not feasible right now to translate our full list of thousands of holidays into different languages, so we’ve come up with a novel approach.

For each language, we have identified language/holiday pairs that are selected most often and we have translated the most used and relevant holidays associated with each language.

For Spanish, we have translated all US, Mexican and Spanish holidays. For French, we have translated Canadian and French holidays.


You can find out more on our Features page, where we also explain what to do if you want us to add another language.

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