Agendio is the only company in the world that allows you to share planner pages with other Agendio customers and to use pages they shared.
This Pro feature helps you in two ways: You see a wide assortment of page customization ideas from other customers and you save the time it would take you to make them yourself.
We thought you might be interested to see the kinds of pages customers have shared.
After many years of work, the new is live. It’s not just a new website, it’s an entirely new way of making planners.
It includes four amazing new features:
– Pages & more, the starting place for making your pages and the place to keep all your pages, your planners and your lists of activities, events and holidays;
– Agendio Designer, an application we developed to create and modify pages;
– The new Agendio Builder, packed with even more industry-leading features;
– The Agendio guide, a complete guide providing assistance for all our applications and making sure you don’t miss any features.
We added a huge number of new features, including adjustable font sizes, but we can’t list them all here because the list would be too long. So the best way to find out is to explore the website.
If you like having control over your planner pages, then we think you’ll really like Pro. However, if you prefer to stick with our current Builder, that’s fine too: We now refer to it as our Classic Builder and we will continue to offer it and to support it.
We’re continuing our series on the best agendio features. Today we look at Lists.
When you customize your agendio, you can add lists to your divisible pagelets. So you can include repeating todos, without having to write them by hand on every spread.
You also add checkboxes or checkcircles when you add list labels, which will add a checkbox on each line before each list item, so you can mark each one when it’s done.
You can also add multiple lists. If you divide your divisible into multiple pagelets, you can add separate lists to any or all of them.
Agendio planner and insert pages are available in a selection of colors. You can select colors by month, so you can choose a dozen colors for your 12-month planner.
And you can do more:
Choose colors individually for each of your Extra page sections. For example, your budget pages can be in green, your tracker pages in blue and your meal pages in marigold.
Your tab pages will match your other pages. Add tab pages to your agendio and we make sure that the colors of the tab pages and the plastic tabs match the pages they go with.
You can also have your planner pages printed in Black & White, which will reduce the cost of your Agendio. The print will look dark grey. Although your pages are not printed in color, you get all the other features of a color Agendio, all the customizability and other options and you still get a color cover.
We’re continuing our series on the best agendio features. Today we look at Covers and bindings.
Spiral-bound soft covers
Agendio offers more than 150 designs of printed spiral-bound covers that you can personalize, or more than 300 when you count colour options. They are bound with a clear plastic overlay and can lay flat and/or fold over.
Our eco-leather wrap covers wrap around the pages and hide the wire binding. They are available in ten colours, can lay flat, but are not designed to fold back completely on themselves. Due to the smaller diameter of wire binding, they hold fewer pages than spiral-bound planners.
All Agendio planners are bound with either Wire-O / twin loop or spiral wire. This allows us to bind single copies of customized planners efficiently and in a manner that allows them to lie flat.
Wire-O is used exclusively inside our wrap covers.
Our spiral-bound planners are bound with silver-colored metal wire. We match the thickness of your agendio to the appropriate diameter of spiral wire, from our inventory of 17 sizes of spiral wire that range between 0.5 to 1.5 inches. You can also upsize your spiral by up to three sizes (See below).
Spiral upsizing
If you keep many loose sheets of paper in your agendio or you plan to glue a large number of stickers on your pages, you can choose to have your Spiral-bound agendio bound with a bigger diameter spiral. We offer three sizes of upsizing: +1/16”, +1/8” and +3/16”.
We’re continuing our series on the best agendio features. Today we look at Extra pages and planning pages.
Agendio offers dozens of customizable Extra Pages. They include lined, dotted, grid and blank, as well as Habit trackers, Meal planners, Financial pages, Contacts, Year-end carry-over pages and even Tables with flexible column widths.
Customize them with your details and select individual colours for each set of pages to make them even more functional and effective.
Agendio also offers planning pages that support you with every kind of personal goal. Use them to plan ahead, to review the previous month or just to evaluate how you’re doing right now.
Choose from a wide variety of layouts, keep the categories and labels we added or customize the labels to better suit your planning requirements.
Look at our full selection of Extra pages and planning pages in our Features section.
We’re continuing our series on the best agendio features. Today we look at activities, events and holidays.
With an agendio, you have full flexibility and control over what activities, events and holidays appear in your planner and also where they appear.
You can enter all your personal and family events and we will include them in your planner.
We will save your list for the following year, so when you buy again from us, you will not have to re-input all your information, as you do with store-bought planners.
At agendio, you can not only create a custom list of your activities, but you can choose from more than a dozen options for how often to show them, such as every week, once a month on day x, on the last day of the month, and many others.
Most planners show only a small number of standard national and religious holidays. Agendio maintains a huge list of all national national and religious holidays from around the world, and also offers lists of state, provincial and other holidays, as well as observances, so you can customize your planner to suit your affiliations.
You can add your selections by country, by type within a country or add and remove individual holidays one at a time. You can also add full or partial lists from religions or even individual religious holidays. It’s up to you.
Content Display
Once you create custom lists of your activities, events and holidays, you can also choose on which pages to print them in your planner. You can choose to show them on any combination of monthly, weekly or daily pages.
Next time you’re in the Builder, explore all our activities, events and holidays options, make your choices and we’ll take care of the rest.
It’s been nine years since Agendio brought it’s industry-leading customizing focus to the world of agenda planners. In that time we’ve introduced dozens of great, exclusive features.
Unfortunately, many of you weren’t part of the Agendio family at the time we introduced them. In case you’re in that group, we’d like to introduce you to them. And if you were around, then we’d like to re-familiarize you with them, in case some of the features are new to you.
So, over the next few months, we’ll be sending a small series of emails to shine a light on these features. As we start off the series, we thought we’d recap the basics:
Paper thickness
All Agendio planners, inserts and notebooks are printed on our highest quality, optimally smooth smudge-resistant white paper. We offer three thicknesses – 120, 105 and 90 gsm, and all our paper is Acid-Free FSC® certified / Rainforest Alliance Certified™ / SFI® Certified from sustainably managed forests.
Page size
We offer seven page sizes: Large/letter, medium and journal for planners, and letter, medium, A5, Classic, personal and compact for inserts.
We offer three page frequencies: Monthly, weekly and daily and you can select one, two or all the frequencies, from a simple monthly to a Monthly-weekly-daily.
Planner start date and duration
You can start your planner on any day of the year and it can last from three to twelve months.
We offer more than 150 designs of spiral cover, many with multiple colour options, and 17 sizes of coil to bind your planner so your binding will always be the correct size. We also offer a dozen colours of eco-leather wrap covers.
That’s just the beginning of what you get when you purchase an agendio.
We see so many great ideas in the agendios we produce that we’d like to share some with you this fall. Today we’re featuring two practical pages that come in handy at this time of year:
The first is very specific to Agendio, since our planners are so customizable: Sara made a page to list the changes she wants to make when customizing her next agendio. It’s easier to write down your ideas during the year while you use your agendio than to try to remember all your ideas when your planner is running out, and this simple page does that very well. Consider also adding a blank page next to it to sketch an idea or two.
The second page is a seasonal idea that we see often, a page to track cards and gifts. This one was made by Max to track what he gave last year, what he received last year and what he is sending this year. The page is made from a Flex-table Extra page, so it has the advantage that you can choose the number of columns, set the column widths and also choose if you want lines, what kind of lines and the line spacing.
What Extra page designs would help you keep track of the easily-forgotten details in your life?
We see so many great ideas in the agendios we produce that we’d like to share some with you this fall.
At this time of the year, most customers are focused on our fully customizable planners and inserts. But many customers order notebooks, and some customers order both.
So today we’re featuring a great Notebook focused on gardening. Our customer Beth created a variety of useful pages, including some for seeding, tracking each crop and even for designing her next garden layout.
Whether you run a farm or you’re a hobby gardener, or if you’ll be using your notebook for something else, you’ll be putting your notebook to use sooner than you think. And if you are a hobby gardener, what better time to think about planting and harvesting food than Thanksgiving?
Which hobbies or interests in your life would be easier to manage with a custom agendio notebook?