Month: September 2023


We received such a positive reaction to our new covers that we’ve added more designs!

We’ve also added two new categories, Leaves and Celestial.

And we’ve changed the name of our “Art” category to “Chromatic”, to showcase our more vivid and saturated covers, and added some new designs to this and other new categories.

See all our print covers, including all our newest ones, on our website covers page.


We have made some changes to our production systems, which have shortened our production window. We are now shipping planners faster than before.

Currently, the average time between order and shipment of our completely customizable planners is 6 days, with a range of 2 to 11 days for most orders. So you can now get your agendio in your hands faster.


The end of the year is approaching and that’s always an exciting time for planner fans, so we’ve decided to add a big assortment of new covers.

We’ve added some completely new categories, different designs and a variety of new colours. We hope you like them.


It’s now September, fall is coming and planner fans are thinking about planners for 2024. You can now order your agendio starting on any date in 2024.

If you plan to split your 2024 agendio into January/July, or January/April/July and October, all dates are now available.

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