Month: November 2017

Please, sir, I want some more (with apologies to Oliver Twist)

Since we launched Personal-year planners, we’ve noticed that if you want a Monthly-Weekly with Extra pages or Planning pages, you’re limited to only two pages. The only configurations you can use are MMWWNN or MMNNWW (or if you are building a Personal-year planner, MMWWPP or MMPPWW). Each allows only 2 non-layout pages in the layout section, which may not be enough:

If you use the pages for meal plans or budgets or notes, then you don’t have any left for planning. And if you use them for planning, then you don’t have any left as standard Extra pages.

So today we added some more configurations:


Now you can choose a planner or insert configuration with 4 Extra / Planning pages after each monthly, or 4 after each weekly, or split, 2 after each monthly and 2 after each weekly.

Our team favourite is the third one, since you can add some pages that work better as weeklies, such as meal plans, weekly trackers and weekly reviews, and also others that work better as monthlies, such as budget pages and monthly reviews.

To check them out, go to either planners or inserts, choose Standard or Personal-year and the next screen will be the configuration screen, where you can select them. has a new website!

The new agendio

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