Category: Website


After many years of work, the new is live. It’s not just a new website, it’s an entirely new way of making planners. 

It includes four amazing new features:

– Pages & more, the starting place for making your pages and the place to keep all your pages, your planners and your lists of activities, events and holidays;

– Agendio Designer, an application we developed to create and modify pages;

– The new Agendio Builder, packed with even more industry-leading features;

– The Agendio guide, a complete guide providing assistance for all our applications and making sure you don’t miss any features.

We added a huge number of new features, including adjustable font sizes, but we can’t list them all here because the list would be too long. So the best way to find out is to explore the website.

If you like having control over your planner pages, then we think you’ll really like Pro. However, if you prefer to stick with our current Builder, that’s fine too: We now refer to it as our Classic Builder and we will continue to offer it and to support it. 


It’s that time of year again – Are you looking for meaningful presents that your family and friends will use and that will bring them joy? How about an agendio e-gift card?

An agendio will help them maintain their sanity, save time and stay organized. And the cards look great!

For each one you purchase, select the one that fits best, add your personalized message, tell us when you want it delivered, and we’ll make sure it’s sent on the correct day.

Happy holidays!


We’ve received more requests lately from customers asking how to reprint an agendio. We haven’t mentioned this in a while, so we decided to resend our how-to email. It’s very simple:

  • Go to your account, scroll down to the Products section and look for the agendio you wish to reprint;
  • Roll over Options and click on Update & Re‑order. This will bring you to the Builder and load your agendio automatically;
  • Review each section of the Builder to be sure that every part of your agendio is customized as you want it. In particular, check that your activities and events are still correct, that the dates are still valid and that your cover details are as you want them to be;
  • Once you’re sure that all is good, add to cart and checkout.

And while we’re showing you the rollover, it’s a good time to remind you of some of the other options we offer on the account page: 

  • Order details: See a summary of your order. Very useful if you think you made a mistake;
  • Preview planner: The same preview as on the review page;
  • Add to models library: Select this option to add every model in your agendio to your models library;
  • Modify my order: After you make a purchase, we allow you to make small modifications to your agendio, such as adding a forgotten event.


We have been hearing of more issues with porch pirates as well as USPS delivery issues. So we have added a new option for our deliveries to the US and Canada.


When you are on the checkout page, you now have the option to check a small box under the shipping details, and your package will require signature for delivery. This should ensure that your agendio is not stolen or mis-delivered.


We’re close to releasing some new features we’ve been working on this year. Since many of you are now customizing your planners for next year, we decided to tell you now, in case you were interested in these features. They should start being rolled out in a week or two:


End-of month Extra pages are Extra pages that are placed at the end of each monthly page sequence, whether or not you include monthly pages in your agendio

Spiral upsizing is the option to get your spiral-bound agendio with a spiral one size bigger than usual.

Like most everyone else, our 2020 has not proceeded as we originally planned. Covid-related physical distancing and other restrictions we faced while manufacturing your agendios has reduced our productivity, and we haven’t been able to release as many new features as we had planned at the beginning of the year. The delayed features, including larger fonts for activities and events, should be added by summer 2021.



Has this ever happened to you? You customize your agendio and realize once you’re well-advanced that you want to change your configuration. Maybe you want to add monthly pages or maybe note pages after each week. And then you realize that you have to start over and re-customize the same layout. And it’s not that long to do, but it’s annoying, like getting to an intersection just as the light turns red.

Well, no need to do that anymore now that we have added the Agendio Models library! Most of you have used the Extra pages library, so you’ll be familiar with the idea: Like the Extra pages library, it’s a private library to which only you have access, where you can store your customized pages, so you don’t have to re-customize them completely from scratch.


Where do I see the models in my library?

When you are on the Models page, just after choosing your configuration, we now put models from your library at the top of the list, so you see them first. Select it the same way you select “regular” models now. When you get to the Builder, you’ll see that the layout contains all the labels and other customizations from before.

Please note that we will show you only those library models of the same size and frequency as the other ones on the models page. After all, there’s no point showing you Medium-size daily pages from your library (if you have any) if you’re busy choosing Large weekly pages.

You’ll also notice that to the right of the image of the model layout we add “FROM MODELS LIBRARY” and we include the planner name it resides in and the last date you customized it.


How do I add models to my library?

There are three ways to add them:

From the Builder: Let’s say you’re customizing a layout and decide to change your configuration and you want to add your work-in-progress version of that model to your library. There is now an “Add to Library” button at the top left of the Builder layout page to do that.


Please note that adding is “frequency-dependent”, which is just a big word to say that if you click “Add”, it will add only the layout you’re working on. If you’re customizing a Monthly-Daily and working on your daily layout and you click “Add”, it will add the Daily. If you want to add the Monthly, you need to switch to your monthly layout and add it separately.

From the models page: Let’s say you’re on the Models page and you customized some layouts previously, but they’re not in your library and you want to add them. Look to the left and you’ll see a box titled “My models library”.


Click on “What’s IN my library?” and you’ll see a list of what’s in your library and what you can add. The second list includes checkboxes for you to select the ones you want to add and a button to add them.


Please note that the list of what’s in your library is the full list, including all sizes and all frequencies, but the list of what you can add shows only models that fit the size and frequency of the Models page. This second list is filtered so you see only what you can import right now.

From your account: Scroll down to Products-Purchased or Products-Saved and then roll over “Options” and select “Add to Models Library”. Adding this way will add all layouts from that agendio to your library. So if it’s a monthly-weekly-daily insert, clicking “Add to Models Library” will add three layouts.



Can I add multiple versions of the same model to my library?

Yes you can. If you purchased model 32009 in each of the past three years, you can add all three variations of that model and they will each appear on their own slice on the models page.

Is there anything in my library now?

That depends on whether you have made a purchase. We have added to your library the customized layouts from planners you purchased before May 11, 2019. If that applies to you, then you should have at least one item in your library. Any purchases after that date, as well as all layouts that are customized but not purchased, we are leaving to you to decide if you want to add.

Can I delete from my library?

Yes you can, in two places: The first is on the models page, by clicking on the “X” to the right of the image.

The second is in the Builder: If you click “Add to library” from the Builder, the button then switches to “Remove from library”, so if you change your mind, you can simply click again and out it goes.



How long can I keep items in my library?

For now, we plan to remove items in libraries after two years if they have not been modified in that time. Like some old clothes that will never be worn, it’s important to not clutter up cupboards or databases.

Is there anything else I should remember?

Yes, one last important detail: You must be signed in to see your library, so we know who you are and what to show you.



As you know, there are no changes to an order once you have made your purchase. However, some customers have asked lately if that rule applies to shipping addresses, and if yes, can we change it.

We aim to please, so as of now, if you made a mistake in your shipping address, you can change it in your account.

Go to your account, scroll down to your purchases, find the one you wish to change, roll over “Options” on the right side and select “Order Details”. An input screen will pop up for you to re-enter the address.


Please note that you cannot change your address after your shipping label has been printed.

Please, sir, I want some more (with apologies to Oliver Twist)

Since we launched Personal-year planners, we’ve noticed that if you want a Monthly-Weekly with Extra pages or Planning pages, you’re limited to only two pages. The only configurations you can use are MMWWNN or MMNNWW (or if you are building a Personal-year planner, MMWWPP or MMPPWW). Each allows only 2 non-layout pages in the layout section, which may not be enough:

If you use the pages for meal plans or budgets or notes, then you don’t have any left for planning. And if you use them for planning, then you don’t have any left as standard Extra pages.

So today we added some more configurations:


Now you can choose a planner or insert configuration with 4 Extra / Planning pages after each monthly, or 4 after each weekly, or split, 2 after each monthly and 2 after each weekly.

Our team favourite is the third one, since you can add some pages that work better as weeklies, such as meal plans, weekly trackers and weekly reviews, and also others that work better as monthlies, such as budget pages and monthly reviews.

To check them out, go to either planners or inserts, choose Standard or Personal-year and the next screen will be the configuration screen, where you can select them.


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