You can now auto-align your pagelets in the Designer!

When you create pagelets side by side, it’s not always easy to ensure that their borders are aligned. When working on the Designer screen, you may not notice a slight misalignment that you will then see in the print version of your planner.

So we’ve now added a new auto-alignment feature for monitors. It automatically scans for neighboring pagelets and aligns the edge of the live pagelet with its neighbors.

And while we’re on the topic of pagelets, do you know about snapping?

The Designer doesn’t allow empty spaces on a page – Every bit of each page must be covered with pagelets to ensure your page prints properly.

So last month we added snapping: If two pagelets in a column are very close to each other but don’t touch, we snap them together for you, to minimize the risk of there being any empty spaces on your page.

You can find out more in our Features section.