We have updated the Builder so that you can now build multiple agendios at the same time side-by-side and compare!

Previously, if you did this, your browser may have mixed the content in different tabs. However, we have now upgraded our Builder to allow using multiple tabs on any up-to-date browser.

Start customizing your agendio in the Builder, then sign in (which you have to do  once you start moving around in the Builder), then open another tab and select and customize a second agendio. You can go back and forth between them and compare until you decide – The two will remain independent and the data should not become corrupted. Just remember that you need to sign in before you add your second tab.


If you want to compare two versions of the same model, here’s a time-saving tip: Build and customize the first one then open a new tab but leave it empty. Go to your account, find the one you just customized and select Options/Copy. The system will copy your current one, with its customizations, into the Builder new tab. Now you can work on version 2 without having had to build it from scratch. Make sure you click copy, not Edit, because Copy will make a copy whereas with Edit you will work on the same planner in your tabs instead of working on different planners.

Once you decide on your preferred customization, close the other tabs, finish customizing on the remaining tab, add your agendio to your cart and you’re ready to purchase.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.